Children workshop
From 4 - 11 years of age
One of the most enjoyable activities for children is drawing and painting. Through them, the child narrates and reflects his impressions and feelings about the world that surrounds him. Art is not only a way of a child to express itself, but it also has therapeutic effects that contribute to his mental, emotional and social development.
Through painting children develop their innate abilities and potential and consequently their entire personality. During the classes they get familiar with the properties and capabilities of various pigments and combinations of colours and tints. They gain self-confidence, independence and creative skills. Experimenting with different materials and techniques cultivates observation, imagination, ingenuity and sensitivity.
Some of the materials that we work with are: pencils, charcoals, finger paints, temperas, watercolours, pastels, colouring pencils, markers, acrylics and recyclable materials. We also experiment with different kinds of surfaces like cardboard, corrugated cardboard, paper, neoprene, fabric, wool, glue, sponge, wood, plastic, stone, clay, plaster, canvas, etc.